Praetorian Digital is the global leader in digital media for public safety and local government officials, they help departments, municipalities, companies, organizations and citizens keep their communities safe and secure.
The 10×20 truss structure would display graphics of the police and military divisions. One sectioned area on the left and right of the display. The client submitted the photo images to be reworked in Photoshop. Each photo had to be divided in three panels with a 5.75″ width truss gap in between. A metal grate image would also be integrated into the images frame them around the edges. The middle panel of the metal grate was tiled and resized in Photoshop. I also laid out the logos and typesetted copy for the detach header, boards and table front detach.
Client:Praetorian DigitalSoftware:Illustrator CC, Photoshop CCServices:Design and Production